Eight Months at Home, and the Road Calls!

Would you believe it, we've been home in the UK now for eight months! Zagan's wheels rolled to a halt in his storage space up the road back in July 2017.
mismatched trainers

Accidental Asset Class Diversification… Or Just a Mess…?

Whenever I feel the urge to read blogs and books on financial independence, I'm struck by how much of a hodgepodge our passive income assets really are!

I’m financially free in my mid-40s, but I’m missing work, why?

We're into our third year of financial freedom now, aged 45, and I'm finding my thoughts increasingly drawn towards returning back to full time work.
Nail gun

A different type of holiday – Painting in York

If you've been reading our blog for a while, you'll know that…
Staithes Jigsaw

A week by the sea – Staithes

We'd pencilled in last week for a few days away in Zagan, our…
At the finish line of my first ever half marathon in Marakesh - another goal achieved.

Dreams, plans and goals for 2018

How is it the end of January already? We're one twelfth of the…

Our Second Full Year of Financial Freedom – The Numbers

We've just completed the second full year of our strange life…
BBC Video Image

Our 30 Year Retirement – Inspiring folks via the BBC

A few months back we were contacted by a nice chap called Tom…

Farewell 2017, you were a great year!

A round up of our motorhome adventures during 2017. From running a half marathon in Morocco to watching the Tour de France.