Gizzards to Erquy, Cote de Penthievre, La Manche

Dave the motorhome's on the southern coast of La Manche, the…

Over the sea, almost, to St Marc sur Mer, France

Dave the motorhome has squeezed himself onto a free aire (N47.23800…

Dave Hits 200,000 Km, Celebrates with Vin Rouge, L’Ile de Noimoutier

Dave the motorhome's punching the air (alright, maybe stretching…

Dave turns part tractor en route to Jard-sur-Mer

Dave the motorhome is once again packed into a car park style…

Meeting Rose and Paul, Fabulous Aussies in Coulon, France

Dave the motorhome's short on words tonight, having seen off…

Vive Le Tour in Green Venice; Coulon, France

Dave the motorhome feels like he is one of the leads in the motorhome…

Ile Madame to Rochefort, and a Boatload of Washing

Dave the motorhome is squinting in the low evening sunlight,…

Two churches and super fuel for Dave; it’s cheaper on a Sunday!

Dave the motorhome is once again in another fab French aire.…

On the Ramps at Mortagne-sur-Gironde

Dave the motorhome's still in the aire at Mortagne-sur-Gironde,…