I’ll never make a carpenter…
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We're planning to leave some of our belongings in the loft of…

Free Power, Nearly… Solar PV Panel has arrived
The solar panels for our Hymer B544 motorhome have arrived. We open the box and see what is inside and what else we'll need to fit them.

Decluttering Continues…
We continue with the decluttering. Sorting what we want to keep/store/send to charity shops/throw away/recycle while we're away in our motorhome for a year.

Why wait? We Bring Our Motorhome Tour Forward
We decide to bring forward depature for our year-long motorhome tour. Problem one, we don't have a motorhome - time to hit eBay!

Drives and vans part II
Hymer motorhomes are wide, so before we buy one for our year-long tour of Europe, we have to widen our drive to fit it on!

Drives and vans.
Having decided that we wanted to buy a Hymer B544 motorhome, we set about widening our driveway at home to accommodate it.