When we returned to the UK in 2014, after two years of touring Europe in a motorhome, we set off on a journey to financially educate ourselves. I know it sounds a bit boring (not half as fun as driving over mountain passes or through the desert), but we had set ourselves a goal to become financially free. In order to reach this goal, we needed to know more about how this money stuff works, after all we were never taught about in school.
To chart our journey of financial education Jay set up a separate blog called The Money Muppet, however we’ve come to realise that this journey of education is another step on our tour, and may be of interest to others wanting to set themselves financially free. So, we’ve integrated his thoughts, ideas and musings into the financial freedom section of this blog and on this page you can follow the Money Muppets journey as it happened with oldest posts at the bottom (and links on every post to the next one).

2015: The Year We’ll Crush It

The Three Truths of Financial Freedom

Are we mad?

Scary Stock Market Investing Simplified

Laid off and laid back, the benefits of financial freedom

Pushing On!

Shop for Let!

Keeping Sight of the Blinding Light

First Timer’s Foray into the Stock Market

The Ramblings of a Muppet

Accidental Investors?

Our Goal: £25,000 Passive Income Per Year

Easy to Do, and Easy Not to Do

Our Basic Strategy to Retire at 50

From Now On, I’m Thinking Like a Rich Man

The Risk of Inaction

The Dream – Financial Freedom!

The Fifty Grand Decision: Narrowboat or House

Financial Freedom – The Dream

Financial Education Blogs

The Money Muppet’s Disclaimer