Information about preparing for a trip, including packing and what to take in your motorhome or campervan.

Motorhome solar, security and shelving

Work continues to prepare our motorhome for a year-long trip in Europe. We've shelved the wardrobe, fitted a solar panel and security for the back door.

How to Calculate Your Budget For A Long-Term Motorhome Tour

We're planning to tour Europe for a year in a motorhome. How do you calculate a budget for a motorhome tour? We've given it our best shot.

Solar panel Considerations

We discuss all the things things we need to consider consider before we commit to buy and install solar panels on our motorhome.
dog bicycle trailer

Pooch Chariot

We decided to get our dog Charlie a bicycle trailer, which we've named his pooch chariot. We got a child bike trailer on eBay and removed the seat.