Pulpit Rock, Preikestolen, Norway

Falling out, luckily not off, at Pulpit Rock, Preikestolen

Parking our motorhome up for the day, we head off to walk to to Pulpit Rock or Preiklsetolen - one of Norway's famous vistas.
Pulpit Rock, where we're off to tomorrow

South Down the Ryfylke to Jørpeland

Ju spends her birthday with fellow campers eating fish in Sand, before we drive our motorhome south down the Ryfylke to Jørpeland.
Salmon at Laksestudio, Sand, Norway

A warm welcome in Sand, Norway

We receive a really warm welcome and join the motorhome and campervan community in Sand, Norway where we visit a salmon ladder.

South into Rogaland to a Lake in Nesflaten

Our motorhome tour of Norway takes us from Bergen, down the E7 and a ferry to Odda before stunning scenery and a free aire in Nesflaten.

10 Things We’ve Broken on Our Motorhomes

We've broken our fair share of stuff on our motorhomes over the years. Here are our top ten which might be of most use to help you.

An early Birthday treat in Bergen

As an early birthday treat for Ju, we bust the budget on a look around Bergen in Norway and fish and chips in the famous market (sort of)!

Voss to Steinsdalsfossen, Hardangerfjord

Our motorhome tour of Norway takes us down the R7 (elbows in) from Voss to Steinsdalsfossen - where we get to stand behind a waterfall!
Boat on Nærøyfjord, Norway

A motorhome view of Nærøyfjord, Norway

Our motorhome tour of Norway sees us wild camping in some stunning places, none more so than by the side of Nærøyfjord.

10 Top Tips for Motorhome Travel in Europe

After several awesome years travelling Europe by motorhome, we've picked up a few tips. Here are our top ten tips for Motorhome Travel in Europe.