Tag Archive for: lock down

Over 50 Day in Lock Down at Home – Covid-19
This week we spent our 50th day in lock down in our UK base due to the Coronavirus, Covid-19. How are we feeling about life at the moment?

Sliding Doors – We’re Coming Home Today!
Today, in a parallel world, we'd be on the Chunnel heading back home after three months touring Spain. Coronavirus Covid-19 changed all that.

Into the 4th Week of COVID-19 Lockdown
It's the strangest spring we've ever known, eh? We're now in our fourth week of COVID-19 lockdown here in the UK, and here's how we're doing.

A Month In Covid-19 Lock Down – How Are We All Doing?
It’s hard to believe that it’s now nearly a month since we first experienced a Covid-19 lock down in southern Spain. How have we been doing?

Two Weeks of Isolation Over, The Relative Freedom of Lock-Down
We've reached the end of our 14 day self isolation in The Cooler today, and have ventured out for the first time since the Covid-19 lock down began.

Our Top Tips for Lock Down and Self-Isolation
We're in COVID-19 self-isolation, while the rest of the country is in lock down. We've been asked for our tips for getting through this stressful situation.