Tag Archive for: Financial Freedom

The Three Truths of Financial Freedom
I'm getting a handle on what it takes to get financially free now. Our assets are appreciating. We're closing in on our goal, and it's massively exciting.

Are we mad?
We're planning on giving up high-income, relatively secure careers, and taking a path of far lower income. Why would we do this?

Pushing On!
Our madcap journey to financial independence is slowly coming together. Some things are going well, some not so well, but we're moving along the path.

Accidental Investors?
I'd scared myself silly about investing it sounds risky. After finally getting started on my financial education it turns out we're already investors.

Our Goal: £25,000 Passive Income Per Year
When we decided on the goal to become financially free, it was obvious we'd have to make an important decision. Just how much money do we need?

Easy to Do, and Easy Not to Do
You can change your life by making small, seemingly insignificant decisions. Action or inaction. So, becoming financially free is both easy to do, and easy not to do.

Our Basic Strategy to Retire at 50
Our strategy for being financially independent and able to retire at 50 is very simple. We'll spend less on stuff we don't need and start to earn through investments rather than hours in the office.

The Dream – Financial Freedom!
It's not a dream in itself of course. It's to do all the things one can do, when one is really free, financially free and in good enough health to do it.

The Fifty Grand Decision: Narrowboat or House
This is a story of head over heart, where a spreadsheet's guided our lives. Right or wrong, by thinking through this decision we've saved ourselves £50,000.