Tag Archive for: early retirement blog

20 Months into a 50 Year Retirement

Aged 43 we quit work making us 'early retired'. Realistically, we could survive into our 90's which gives us a potential 50 year 'retirement' ahead of us.
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Introducing The Matrix Experiment

This blog is about leaving the corporate world behind. Taking control of your life and shifting to a simpler life, achieving financial freedom as a result.
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2015: The Year We’ll Crush It

Things are going really well on our journey to financial freedom. In fact we think that in 2015 we should reach our goal and be 'retired' at 43.
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Pushing On!

Our madcap journey to financial independence is slowly coming together. Some things are going well, some not so well, but we're moving along the path.
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Keeping Sight of the Blinding Light

Our journey to financial freedom continues. Six months in and we've now invested in property, buying a former butchers shop to renovate and live in.
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Our Basic Strategy to Retire at 50

Our strategy for being financially independent and able to retire at 50 is very simple. We'll spend less on stuff we don't need and start to earn through investments rather than hours in the office.
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Financial Education Blogs

So far personally I've not met anyone who's achieved financial independence. But I have virtually and their blogs are financially educational and inspiring.