So long 2014, you certainly kept us busy!
Wow, it's 2015. How did that happen?
First things first - Happy…

Aren’t We Too Young For Saga Magazine?
Fame, fame at last!We've made it into the Nov 2014 edition of Saga magazine in a feature about Grey Nomads, alongside some fabulous folks wandering the world on four wheels.

Has it really been a year??
Yep it has. We've been back in the UK for just a few days over…

Hymer B544 Motorhome For Sale, Seeks New Loving Home
The time's come for the Motorhome Formerly Known as Dave to be…

Time flies as you slip back into the rat race!
I have finally got around to sorting out the photo books of our…

Goodbye 2013 – you were amazing!
It's going to be hard to say goodbye to 2013, it was a fabulous…

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Time has flown since we got back in the middle of September,…

They think it’s all over……it isn’t just yet!
Jay signed off from writing the blog last week and I can totally…