Our motorhome blog contains over a decade of blog posts. Starting when we quit work for our once in a lifetime tour of Europe.

We returned after two years and transformed our lives, achieving financial freedom, which enables us to travel whenever we want.

Moors and Christians in Mojacar, Spain

It was around Christmas time last year when the idea of nipping…

A relaxing week in Staithes

Despite having had a lifetime's worth of holidays on our tour…

18 Months After Coming Home from a Two Year Tour

Before cutting the umbilical cords to our corporate salaries…

Searching for Zagan, Hymer B544 Wanted, Preferably Alive

Yeah OK, you're right, it was a mere 12 months ago we heartlessly…

Into the Cooler, Our First Days of Tiny Living

We're in! The extension to our house is complete and we've moved into out new tiny living space, a move of about 15 meters.

Minimalism – Getting rid of our stuff

Five years ago we started to sell and donate our excess stuff. An ongoing declutter and minimalism exercise has continued until we fit into our tiny house.


In the true spirit of the OurTour blog, I'm, ah, crafting(?)…
The Cooler coming together

A New Experiment in Tiny Living

We're embarking on a new adventure, downsizing again, this time into a 3.5m by 6m 'studio' annnex. It's basically an experiment in tiny house living.

So long 2014, you certainly kept us busy!

Wow, it's 2015. How did that happen? First things first - Happy…