Are we mad?
We're planning on giving up high-income, relatively secure careers, and taking a path of far lower income. Why would we do this?

Scary Stock Market Investing Simplified
Whenever I'd think of the stock market I'd see huge crashes where anyone stupid enough to be actually investing in this thing would lose their shirts.

Laid off and laid back, the benefits of financial freedom
Recently the contract I was working on came to an end at short notice. I found myself jobless. A few years ago, this would have had me panicking, big style.

Pushing On!
Our madcap journey to financial independence is slowly coming together. Some things are going well, some not so well, but we're moving along the path.

Shop for Let!
Things are moving along slowly but surely! The shop embedded in the front of the house and the old cellar's up for let. It's a new experience for us.

Keeping Sight of the Blinding Light
Our journey to financial freedom continues. Six months in and we've now invested in property, buying a former butchers shop to renovate and live in.

First Timer’s Foray into the Stock Market
We're actually making progress on our strategy, even after just 6 months of being back home. We've started to invest in the stock market!

The Ramblings of a Muppet
What can I write about I wonder? The answer's not been forthcoming. So I'm just going to ramble on about where my financial noggin's at.

Accidental Investors?
I'd scared myself silly about investing it sounds risky. After finally getting started on my financial education it turns out we're already investors.