Financial freedom is amazing. It’s the freedom that comes with knowing all of your outgoings and bills are covered without you having to go to work.

Lots of folks reach financial independence when they retire, we reached it in 2015 when we were 43 years old.

Here we round up how we did it, and what we have learned from retiring early.

Man in Suit

Why am I ‘Retired at 43’ But Back at Work at 45?

It's not a surprise for us that I'm working again only two years after 'retiring', although we're not doing it for the reasons we originally envisaged.
spend tracking

Seeking the Cash Leaks: How We Track Our Spending

Even since hitting financial independence almost two years ago, we still track every penny we spend. This post explains why, and how we do it.

Our Financial Freedom Story in 5 Minutes

We were honored to be asked to write a guest post for The Escape Artist's blog. We wrote our financial independence story which you could read in 5 minutes.
how to retire at 40 Channel 4

How to REALLY Retire at 40!

The UK's Channel 4 recently aired a TV programme called 'How to Retire at 40'. I can't say I was impressed, it left much room for improvement, here's why...
Daily Mail article how to retire at 40

How to Retire at 40 and the Daily Mail

In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes…
Camping Oasis Mar Mont Riog

How The Rich Think About Money

'The rich' think about money differently to 'the poor'.This holds many people back from being financially secure. So, how do the rich think about money?

Voluntary NI Contributions – Are They Worth It?

5 April 2039 is our state pension 'retirement' date. Should we make the voluntary national insurance (NI) contributions to get the maximum state pension?

20 Months into a 50 Year Retirement

Aged 43 we quit work making us 'early retired'. Realistically, we could survive into our 90's which gives us a potential 50 year 'retirement' ahead of us.

The Simple Secret to Financial Freedom

How do you get to financial freedom before your pension kicks in? We've un-earthed a simple secret to how it is done, and we'll share it with you.