Not Enough Roaming Data? Buying a SIM Card Abroad in 2022
Useful info for getting more internet data abroad without breaking the bank. Hints & tips for buying local prepaid data SIMs in the EU.

Creating Your Own Blog, For Free in 30 Minutes
This blog post describes how anyone can create their own travel blog, in less than 30 minutes, and for free.

WordPress Website and Blog Hosting on Hostgator
Folks often ask us how we run the ourtour.co.uk blog. Here's…

Backing Up A Large WordPress Blog with VaultPress
As our blog grew, we realised that the website back-up provided by the hosting company may not be enough. This post decribes how and why we use Vaultpress.

Website Hosting
In 2011 we set up our motorhome travel blog. This post describes the website hosting company we use and what platform we run our blog on.