A Grand Day in Le Grand Bornand
Zagan the motorhome is making the most of the free motorhome parking in Le Grand Bornand (N45.94141 E6.43631) by stopping the full 48 hours that he’s allowed. Last night I slept like a log, we all did. To keep Zagan as toasty as possible inside all his window and skylight blinds were closed, his silver screens were across his cab and his curtains were all closed. The result of this was that not only did we keep warm, but no light could get in either, so we didn’t wake until nearly 9am.
Squinting out of the window into the glare of a new day, the sun had just risen over the mountains behind us – mountains that were covered in cloud yesterday. In fact all around us new mountains were peeping up above yesterday’s cloudline while the sun warmed us through patches of blue sky. Around Zagan the snow was alive with identically clad groups of Nordic Skiiers racing around a circuit that starts and finishes by our door, those guys can really get up some speed.
After showers for everyone, including Charlie’s first waterless shower, we’re all smelling a bit sweeter and took our time to choose from our freshly laundered clothes selection. Jay and I ventured the 100m or so over to one of the sledging areas. Initially Jay opted for some off-piste action but the icy conditions made the snow super slippy, so after nearly hitting a chalet (twice) he was persuaded to join me in the safety of the kids slope.

Note the close proximity to the chalet!

Not great at steering I manage to hit the nets on the kids slope.
An afternoon wander around town was perfectly timed with locked o’clock, lunch hour or two. We were both amazed at the number of cars here, a smattering of British number plates amongst them. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, the motorhome parking has been mainly full of cars today as the car parks are all full. It’s the French and English school holidays and the resort is in peak season, full of people staying as well as those here just here for the day – a strange concept to us, but we’re beginning to get used to it.

Meltingpaint.com have done loads of murals around the town.

Old style air hockey, without the air. Jay won!
In the local photographers a series of old photographs show Le Grand Bornand when it was just a small cluster of buildings around the church, now it has crept up the slopes and along the valley, new buildings being added as I type this. I wonder what it will be like in a 100 years or so, I suspect there might not be room for us motorhomes parked up for free.
Tonight we’re tempted by the Ice Skating Extravaganza at the local ice rink, we’ll it’s free and there doesn’t seem to be much else in terms of nightlife that we have found yet – I guess everyone else is shattered after their days on the slopes. I do feel that we are missing out a bit by not taking part in any of the winter sports, but that may be something for another winter – for now we’re just finding our snowballs by being here.
Ju x
You are taking part! At least you’re there and you are sledging!! So, having winter sport fun! Enjoy. We finally saw some sun today so I went out for a good walk!
Looks like great fun, nice to see the sun came out for a bit. The mountains in the background look awesome. Snow fell in the High Atlas yesterday and closed the Midelt-Meski road…darn it…we missed it by 2 weeks!! Gutted. Enjoy :-)
Ski, Snowboard or….Sledging?…..
I’ve been Skiing twice with my school back in the Early 80’s and could not ski then…When Skiing If I wanted to stop I would just aim for a group of people (I know sounds awful) but I got scared…and as a Kid that would work out OK’ish as usually the group would nicely catch me…ish
Now I think if I did that I would be chased outta town….so for me I would go for Sledging and it looks so good…ave a look at the vid below…American Adults Sledging in Interlaken….Looks alot safer to…Ish
Below from youtube video:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usKgG0ubrkg
Sledging is what Americans would call “sledding,” but in the Swiss Alps, the activity is not about childlike play down small hillsides. Sledging is the more athletic and adventurous version (“adult play”) of the American view of sledding, and an actual sports activity in Europe. More than 43 miles of sledging trails sprawl the trio of peaks that surround Interlaken. These narrow, groomed trails are designed to accommodate the classic wooden sled(ge)s and the sometimes-dragging feet of riders, who leans to and fro to control trajectory on the rapid downward journey. Sledging trails are a main feature of Swiss Alp ski resorts. Give it a try and when you get home you can tell your friends you did a little “Piste de Luge!”
You’re having a great time in the snow. Takes me back to my days living in that area, although I was useless at skiing. Is Charlie allowed at drink Ricard, he is only 9?
He says he has a passport, therefore he’s allowed a cheeky aperitif from time to time!
Jason, have to say that you look a bit like Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation when he used a baking tray to go sledging. The only thing missing is the trail of flame after he wiped the underside of the tray with his secret super slippery liquid…
Pleased to see you’re having so much fun, we don’t do jealous but your adventures today got us close.
What a film! I was deadly serious though as I looked down the slope at the ‘kicker’, rubbed the bottom of the disk clean, and made my descent. After whacking my butt a couple of times, and having to bail out as the thing picked up speed Chevy Style, I realised I am indeed an old git! Lot of fun. J
We are at le grand bornard to , as you know weathers not great . We do not usually stay at low altitude or on a site but we are with friends who wanted an introduction to alpine motorhomeing . We are normally watching the skiers but this year gave it a go ,for us we don’t like the crowds or the very uncomfortable boots . Today we are going snowshoeing and doing a picnic a bit more tranquil . Safe travels perhaps we will bump into you someday
Hi Paul, we kept an eye out for you at the aire, but that explains why you weren’t there! Hope you and your friends had fun on the snow shoes, and have a crackin rest of your time away. Are you planning on staying out here and visiting other resorts? If you are, let us know? Cheers, thanks again for the tip offs, much appreciated, Jay