Searching for words in Plattling, Bavaria

Dave the motorhome is resting for a day in Plattling in Bavaria,…

Bishops, busts and belly flops in Bavaria

Dave the motorhome is the only Brit among a row of German motorhomes…

Schwandorf, the friendliest place in the world?

Dave the motorhome is in a free grassy stellplatz in Schwandorf,…

Accessing Mobile Internet in Germany – Prepaid SIM and 3G Dongle

Today we bought a 3G dongle and prepaid SIM for accessing the Internet from our laptop in Germany. Here are a few notes below on our experience:

Guten Tag Deutschland!

Dave the motorhome is on his first German Stellplatz in the town…

Sampling Springs in Marianske Lazne, or is it Marienbad?

Dave the motorhome is a little lonely, occupying a quiet corner…

Prague, the morning after

Dave the motorhome is still sitting in the thin sliver of land…

France by Motorhome

This guide has been written based on our experiences touring Portugal by motorhome and will give you a good idea of what it's like to travel there.

Prague, Packed and Kicking!

Dave the motorhome is in the Camping and Caravan Yacht Club campsite…