Too slow to miss the fireworks, Joinville to Mutigny
Zagan the motorhome is drinking in the views, to his left are countless fields of vivid green vineyards. These are no ordinary vineyards, however, they are nurturing the most expensive and precious grapes. He’s at a free aire in Mutigny (N49.06915, E4.02686) in the Champagne region of France.

The view across the road
Our dash to escape the Bastille Day fireworks didn’t go quite to plan… We headed north from Dijon for a couple of hours to the small town of Joinville, about halfway between Dijon and the border with Luxembourg. Parking up at the beautiful little free aire (N48.44568, E5.14966) next to the Canal du Marne we instantly fell in love with the place, especially when we realised that there was a Lidl just 100m up the road. After nipping in for a baguette and bottle of Burgundy (we didn’t pick any up when we were going through the region) we headed back to Zagan for a lunch of hot dogs, using up more of the food that started to defrost when we forgot to switch our fridge over to gas the other night, oops.

The barge dwarfed our motorhome parked just a few metres away
Late afternoon we set off for an amble around the town. As we wandered over the Marne river, a flash of light skin revealed it was teeming with so many huge fish that Jay had to be stopped from grabbing his fishing rod to catch some supper. Further on, at the entrance to the town, an electronic sign was flashing up tourist information messages. Hang on, what did that say? We waited while it scrolled around again. Fireworks. Tonight? But it’s the 13th today, Bastille Day is tomorrow? We picked up our pace and reached the tourist information office 10 minutes before it was due to close. After explaining our concerns, it was confirmed, yes there were fireworks tonight and the lady helpfully showed us on a huge map on the wall how close they were to where we were staying – as in, they were close.

Lovely old house for sale opposite Lidl – we were tempted!
Dilemma time. Do we stay or do we go? Seeing we were unsure what to do, the lady told us that the display would only last about 10 – 15 minutes, and with that we decided to stay. As we were chatting by the map a couple of men walked past carrying boxes which they put on the counter. From these boxes we were given the first copy of their new brochure for the region – the English version! The suited man asked if we wouldn’t mind having our photograph taken with him and the brochure, and as we are never ones to shy away from an opportunity to help a town promote itself (especially one with a free aire), we obliged. Only later discovering that the chap in the suit that we were cheesy grinning and thumbs-upping next to was the mayor.

Window of the day in Joinville
We then had a walk around the rest of the town and nipped to look at its main attraction, as listed in our new glossy brochure, Château du Grand Jardin with its renowned French-style garden. The château was built in the 16th century so the local duke had somewhere suitable to hold parties, while keeping his castle on the hill above the town in good nick. Sadly the castle was destroyed after the revolution but the party house survived and is now used for art exhibitions and music concerts. As it was about to close, and the main thing to see is the four hectares of gardens, we popped our noses over the hedge took a couple of snaps and headed off – we’ve never been ones for looking around gardens.

Château du Grand Jardin (as seen from over the hedge)
Back in Zagan we finally ate the last of the defrosting food in the form of a spaghetti bolognaise with added terrine (a kind of coarse pâté) before creating a den for Charlie in the driver’s footwell, his favourite hiding place in the event of loud noises. Jay headed over to the site of the display to check to see what we were up against and reported back that there were quite a few rockets, but the display shouldn’t go on for hours like it did at New Year in Gibraltar. As firework time approached, our chill out tunes were turned up and the windows and skylight closed. We both stayed inside with petrified pooch and, as promised, it was all over in about fifteen minutes. Another fifteen minutes later and he was snoring – another festival survived.

A wide-eyed Charlie in his den
Checking the internet it seems that some places have a display tonight too, but as Charlie had coped so well last night we abandoned our plans to run to the border and instead opted for a night in the countryside. To reach the aire at Mutigny you have to drive up through fields of vineyards, each with a little sign telling you which champagne they will be used to make. If you get chance to drink a 2017 vintage of Moet you might be interested to know that in mid-July the grapes were hard as bullets and sour as you like. Luckily I found some ripe blackberries growing nearby to take the taste away.
The village of Mutigny is home to only 230 people and, looking at some of the houses, we expect they mainly work in the champagne business. As today was Bastille Day families were in their gardens enjoying a BBQ and there was a gazebo by the town hall filled with locals sitting around eating and enjoying the national holiday. We wandered around the edge of the village gawping at the vines, which look fantastic covered in big bright leaves and tiny grapes. Normally we are travelling through France our of season, when they are nothing but shrivelled brown sticks.
A tour group from Israel spilled out of a mini bus while we were out and fortunately for me their guide was talking to them in English. I stood and listened in while pretending to read an information board. The guide told the group that you can pick up champagne around here for about €15 a bottle, to which one chap said he thought that was fantastic value because wine is around €10 a bottle at home (he obviously doesn’t shop at Lidl Israel!). The guide agreed with him and went on to say that you need over a kilo of grapes per bottle, so the grapes alone would be worth €7.

I love the funky farm machinery they have here – this thing goes along between two rows of vines – I have no idea what it does!
The aire here is starting to fill up, another English couple have arrived and have just told Jay that most of the places along the canal are now packed due to the bank holiday.
Have a great weekend.
Ju x
We stopped at the Mutigny aire a year ago, on 13 July: Our next stop was lovely too (on the way back to Calais), in the village of Coucy Le Chateau Auffrique (on Bastille Day). The castle is definitely worth visiting, if only to see all the mason’s ‘jobbing’ marks on the stones:
Thanks for the tip. We’re at Coucy now. Aire is full, but nice quiet car park by the side of it – which is now also full! Lovely spot.
Hi there J and J and Big C,
We also stayed at he aire in Joinville, as you say free and handy for the town, oh and Lidl and Super U.Did the tour of the town but as it was a drizzly and cold day, in July, it sort of left us touristly somewhat deflated…..but….had a great conflab with a guy in the cafe about the greatness of 60’s music that poured out of the UK. We also went to the champagne region but stayed on the free aire by the canal/river at Mureuil sur Ay. A good one we found in a motorhome blog, very cloee to the water, but a little “tight” parking-wise, and with a Casino and cafe/restaurant only 50 metres away we were very happy. the local bread hop was a couple of hundred metres up the road but well worth the extra stride or two. the large slice of chocolate gateaux was a little bit of self-endulgence for our “travels” All in all an excellent little stop-over but you must arrive early. Many champagne houses in the town but not one we had heard of, or could really afford!!!! that’s life in a blue suit. Cheers for now, enjoy what you are doing. Glenys and Fred Chase.