Thankful in Canterbury, Next Stop France
Zagan the motorhome is enjoying the hospitality of a, wait for it, British motorhome aire! Good old Canterbury have provided a dedicated motorhome parking area and services at a Park and Ride into the city, for all of £3 (N51.26144, E1.10025). That even includes the bus, but we’ve had a fairly frenetic day (for us) so we’re just chilling in the van, finishing unpacking.
<Photo of the aire to follow – Storm Angus has just started and it’s lashing it down! Here’s a picture of my clothes instead as I tried to work out what I’d need to wear for an entire year.>

My clothes for a year on the road. Remembered my pants this time – I’m learning…

Canterbury Aire after the storm
The last few days have been the emotional challenge we expected them to be. We like our small home in the UK. We like the village feel of the town we live in, and the sense of community it provides. We like being close to friends and family. We like fish and chips, and being in the pub. If we hadn’t a health insurance restriction, which only allowed us 21 days in the UK, and a rendezvous planned with fellow Hymer dwellers, we’d have stayed longer. Saying goodbye to folks, in the knowledge we’d not see them until late into 2017 involves a serious deployment of the Stiff Upper Lip. Now we’re on the open road though, with months of responsibility-less travelling laid out ahead, we’re felling pretty damn good.

Another motorhome tour of Europe starts and yes, we are happy as muppets!
Just as we were finishing loading the van up outside the house, I had a brief conversation with a neighbour in which he pointed out we ‘don’t have a bad life’. I heard this as ‘you two have an unbelievably awesome life!’ I wouldn’t disagree! As well as having the great fortune to have truly wonderful parents, who among other things taught us the value of money, we have two other people who played a huge role in getting us where we are: the younger versions of us two. It will sound weird, but I’m incredibly grateful to the previous versions of us two, who resisted the urge to spend, worked hard, took appropriate risk, and eventually handed us this sweet life.

Earlier versions of us, enjoying a budget break in Bordeaux, who paid in advance for our years of wandering. Thanks guys!
While I’m on the subject of thanks, check this out. On our way home blog-reader Richard of Newark dropped us a line offering us a couple of free bikes. ‘In payment for getting me through the winter’ was his wonderful way of describing it. We nipped to his place today and picked them up, and if we were 25 years younger we’d say we were stoked man! They’re BSA bikes, literally as old as we are, and in better shape. They’re of the sit up and beg style, which we both admired about the Dutch bikes: comfortable and usable. The rubber brake pads, broad seats and flat pedals remind me of bikes I had as a kid, and give me a warm feeling just to look at them. Richard: you’re a hero fella, happy travels.

Fellow Hymer-rider Richard gifting us a couple of classic bikes – the generosity of my fellow man never ceases to surprise me
Our mates Phil and Jules are heading off in a week or so. We met them near Pont du Gard some years back, shortly after which I got rather drunk trying to drain an entire 5 litre stash of vin en vrac (wine which vineyards sell in your own container). We had a riot. They had a hammock in their glambulance! They’ve since upgraded to a Hymer, a Mercedes-based one no less, which Phil assures me beats Fiat in motorhome top trumps. Well, we’re all off to the Sahara, so we might just get to test that theory Phil!

Christmas in a Box. And a Sock. Packed up ready for celebrating somewhere on the Med
Right-o, time for a brew. Short drive to Folkestone tomorrow for our virgin ride on the Chunnel, then we hit La France. Actual destination: unknown. Yeah baby.
Cheers, Jay
Glad to hear you’re back on the road! So I can enjoy some wonderful blog reading at breakfast! Have a safe trip!
Good luck with the journey and your run in Africa.
RESPECT🎅🏼 Am I right in thinking you are going to be living with that Christmas box but will not open it until the big day? True discipline that🤘😀.
Haha, Ju has willpower and I won’t be able to find it in here, so it’ll make south. Only a month to go! Cheers, Jay
Lovely to meet you this afternoon. Have a great trip Steve and Sue
Great to meet you both too. Sorry I wasn’t very talkative, I had just finished my first stint of driving the van in the dark for a couple of hours and in need of a sleep! 80% of the bags unpacked, early night tonight if that genny ever stops! Hope you have a great weekend x
Good luck and best wishes guys, hope you have a great time.
We’re looking forward to the blogs.
Kalo taxethi!
Have fun in the sun (and snow)
Good luck guys and have a wonderful time …. We did two years in Europe and beyond in 1986 in our Motorhome . Hardly anyone else on the roads in those days we felt quite lonely. Did a lot of free camping too don’t think I would want to now though….. Stay safe and enjoy
Happy and safe onward travels. I wrote to Canterbury council thanking them for providing the aire. We had several emails back and forth and all positive. I love the free wifi connection when a bus comes in!
We wondered why you moved but very quickly realised why. Some people are so inconsiderate !! It could have been worse yesterday afternoon there were two R V s parked close to us. One did not stay long after he damaged the barrier trying to get in the parking attendant was not very happy !
Good luck both. Hope you survived the stormy night!
Bon voyage ! and if you happen to go through Limoges on your way, we’ll be happy to share a real home made French meal (forget about those fish’n chips) ! Daniel
Thanks for the invite Daniel. We’re passing close by, but on a mission to get South, so you are safe. Be warned though, we pass through France quite a bit, so may just take you up on that offer one day! Ju x
Have a great trip guys. I’m looking forward to reading your blog posts again! I’m 3 weeks in on my first trip and having a fantastic time, thanks for all you info and inspiration. I couldn’t have done it with out you. Robyn.
Ah, those magic Sunday morning moments. Reading OurTour heroes with Andrew Marr blurting in the background interrupted by a few choice blasphemies!
Torridge Council,North Devon has a few car parks available to Motorhomes. Best one at Appledore. (don’t tell anyone !)
Really looking forward to reading a step by step blog of this trip instead of playing catch up.
Again, Happy Trails, keep well and safe and have a bleedin’ fantastic time.
GlorYa x
Wise to head far south!any idea how far you’ll go will you get as far as Tantan or Dakhla?
Curious what health insurance you have?why does it allow only 21 days in the uk.
Looking forward to following your travels. I expect to leave for Morocco mid January.
Hi Wyn. Ah, dunno, for both questions. It’s Alpha backpack insurance; why it has this limit I have no idea! We should be in Morocco about the same time, hope to see you there. Cheers, Jay
We followed/copied your first trip to Maroc, ( and Croatia) looking forward to ‘this one…. no monkies ate our breakfast!! Good luck!
We both love reading your blog. You have truly inspired us and we hope to ditch the 9-5 asap and embrace better life experiences.
Safe travels.
Mmmm I think the Xmas box must hold all of Charlie’s doggy treats!
Well we have eventually went and done it – ferry tickets booked for next Tuesday 29th. Rosslare in Ireland into Cherbourg. So one week left to fit new water heater, fit new SOG, fit split charger and paint one side of the van! A wash my need to wait until we are on the road. Also need to empty 3 bedroom house and garage and move out by Friday. But hopefully all the last minute panic and stress will be worth it and we might catch up somewhere in the Iberian peninsula :-)
Hope so Alan, hope so. I would say ‘take it easy’ but that seems inappropriate just at this moment. We’ve a video on how we fitted the SOG to Zagan if it helps? Cheers, Jay