Tag Archive for: travel

Thoughts from the Birthday Pooch!

For Charlie's birthday we let him look back at his first year of travel in a motorhome. See why he loves life on the road so much.

Itchy feet, Morocco has me all excited…

While in Portugal, we set about preparations to visit Morocco in our motorhome, including taking our dog Charlie with us.
dog bicycle trailer

10 Things We Wish We’d Packed In Our Motorhome

Weight in a motorhome is limited, after months travelling we review - what we wished we hadn't brought, wished we had brought and are glad we did bring.

Travelling with a Dog

Update: This blog post is from 2011 and while a lot of it is…
dog bicycle trailer

Pooch Chariot

We decided to get our dog Charlie a bicycle trailer, which we've named his pooch chariot. We got a child bike trailer on eBay and removed the seat.