Tag Archive for: preparation

Gearing up for Our Next Motorhome Tour
Preparations for our next long-term motorhome tour are almost complete.We run through how we've prepared our motorhome, our dog and ourselves.

In Between Motorhome Tours – Costs to Prepare
As we prepare for our next long-term motorhome tour, we run through the costs we've incurred so far.

Infographic: Preparing a Motorhome for Long Term Travel
Inforgraphic outling the main areas to consider when preparing a motorhome for a long-term trip.

Itchy feet, Morocco has me all excited…
While in Portugal, we set about preparations to visit Morocco in our motorhome, including taking our dog Charlie with us.

How strong is an attic floor?
Very strong hopefully as it's rather stacked up there. Just…

Taking our Motorhome to the Weighbridge
Like the ultimate weigh-in at the airport check-in desk, we take our motorhome to the weighbridge ahead of a year-long trip, to check we are legal.

Pooch covers
We add covers to our motorhome seats to protect them because Charlie the pooch doesn't wipe his paws when he enters the van.

Motorhome Preparation – The Money Bit
As our one year motorhome trip preparation continues, thought you might be interested in the costs we've incurred so far.

5 hours to paint a single motorhome wheel? Don’t ask!
An update on our preparations for a year-long trip around Europe in a motorhome, including how it took Jay several hours to paint a wheel!