Tag Archive for: money

Funding a Long-Term Motorhome Tour, Buying a Dream
Ideas, hints and tips for funding (paying for or financing) a long-term motorhome or campervan tour of the UK or Europe or going full-time.

Motorhomes: Investment Disasters…
After reading an article by a motorhome dealer, Jay explains why a motorhome isn't a great investment decision for the average family.

A Year of Financial Freedom, Are We Losing Money?
We've been financially independent for a year. We look at our income and expenditure to see if our financial experiment is working.

The Money Muppet’s Disclaimer
Muppet - a person who is ignorant and has no idea about anything. This blog's author is a muppet when it comes to money, but he's trying to change that.

Motorhome Touring Costs – Greece
We keep a track of what of costs as we travel around Europe in our motorhome. Below is a breakdown of what we spent while travelling around Greece.

Six months in and we’re still living the dream!
Six months into our first big motorhome tour we're in Spain. We stop to take a look back at costs, stats, and some observations from our time on the road.

Why wait? We Bring Our Motorhome Tour Forward
We decide to bring forward depature for our year-long motorhome tour. Problem one, we don't have a motorhome - time to hit eBay!

Drives and vans part II
Hymer motorhomes are wide, so before we buy one for our year-long tour of Europe, we have to widen our drive to fit it on!