Tag Archive for: investments

Why We’ve Decided to Sell Our House and Buy Shares Instead
We're selling our main property in the UK and investing the money in shares. Here's how we're doing it, and why.

Lessons Learned from 5 Years of Stock Market Investing
Three years ago we wrote about how we were risking our money…

Email to a Never-Before Self-Investor
Following beers with friends the conversation turned to investing. The currently invest in a fund. I sent this email to them the following morning.

How to Build a Spiralling Wealth Machine
My parents taught me valuable lessons about not wasting money. They couldn't tell me how to build a Spiralling Wealth Machine, but hopefully I can help you.

Keeping Sight of the Blinding Light
Our journey to financial freedom continues. Six months in and we've now invested in property, buying a former butchers shop to renovate and live in.

Our Basic Strategy to Retire at 50
Our strategy for being financially independent and able to retire at 50 is very simple. We'll spend less on stuff we don't need and start to earn through investments rather than hours in the office.

The Fifty Grand Decision: Narrowboat or House
This is a story of head over heart, where a spreadsheet's guided our lives. Right or wrong, by thinking through this decision we've saved ourselves £50,000.