Tag Archive for: Europe

The New Designed-for-Roaming SIM Card from Popit
The new Popit Mobile Sole Roam SIM is designed specifically for roaming Europe long term. It's not cheap, but it is honest and simple.

The Best UK Internet Data SIMs For Roaming in Europe 2022
The best value roaming abroad internet data SIM cards for 2021 from Superdrug Mobile, Vodafone, Three, VOXI and Smarty.

Travelling in a Motorhome with your Dog
Thinking of touring Europe in a motorhome with your dog? Here are some hints and tips learned over 4 years of travel to over 800 places.

Brexit Considerations for a European Motorhome Tour
The Brexit transition period ends in a few days on 31 Dec 2020. Here's the latest about the impact on motorhome travel for UK citizens.

Our Top 3 Countries in Europe for Motorhome Travel
Which are your favourite countries in Europe to travel by Motorhome? Here are our top three, why we loved them and the downsides we encountered.

Leaving Badajoz
After enjoying the free motorhome aire and relaxed pace of life in Badajoz, we've driven through the cork oaks of Extremadura to a campsite in Caceres.

Catching up with Friends in Paris
Zagan the motorhome's roof's gradually piling up with fallen…

Paris by Motorhome, Camping de Paris
Information on visiting Paris in a motorhome, campervan or caravan, staying in the Camping de Paris campsite.

Our 2017 Eight Month Motorhome Tour – Winter in Morocco
Tour Summary
In November 2016 we took the 'chunnel' for the first…