Tag Archive for: eBay

Why wait? We Bring Our Motorhome Tour Forward
We decide to bring forward depature for our year-long motorhome tour. Problem one, we don't have a motorhome - time to hit eBay!

Drives and vans part II
Hymer motorhomes are wide, so before we buy one for our year-long tour of Europe, we have to widen our drive to fit it on!

Drives and vans.
Having decided that we wanted to buy a Hymer B544 motorhome, we set about widening our driveway at home to accommodate it.

Pooch Chariot
We decided to get our dog Charlie a bicycle trailer, which we've named his pooch chariot. We got a child bike trailer on eBay and removed the seat.

Harvey Sold on eBay
Our campervan Harvey wasn't suitable for a long-term trip for us. As part of our preparations for a year-long trip, we sell our campervan on eBay.