They are part of the family and a big reason why folks choose to travel by motorhome – you can take your furry friends with you. Our pampered pooch Charlie travelled from the top of Norway to the Sahara Desert with us. He broke the ice with strangers and caused us a few sleepless nights along the way. These blog posts give you information about travelling in a motorhome with your dog based on our experiences with Charlie.

Free Beginner’s Guide To Motorhomes and Camper Vans
If you’re thinking of hiring or buying a motorhome, our Beginner's Guide to Motorhomes and campervans will quickly get you up to speed on several key topics.

Travelling in a Motorhome with your Dog
Thinking of touring Europe in a motorhome with your dog? Here are some hints and tips learned over 4 years of travel to over 800 places.

Brexit Considerations for a European Motorhome Tour
The Brexit transition period ends in a few days on 31 Dec 2020. Here's the latest about the impact on motorhome travel for UK citizens.

Motorhome Travels with an Old or Ill Dog
Regular readers of this blog will know that we tour around in…

Charlie is The Star of Motor Caravanner Magazine
Look out for a familiar, furry face in this month's Motor Caravanner…

How to Escape in a Motorhome
We've put together this short 'how to escape in a motorhome' guide, based on our experience of serial motorhome escapism over the past 6 years.

Handy Free Websites and Apps for Motorhome Travel
We've revealed our treasure trove of handy free websites and apps that we use to make our lives easier while we tour Europe in our motorhome.

Insurance, breakdown cover and other stuff
On a regular basis we get asked who we use for our various insurances.…

Pooch covers
We add covers to our motorhome seats to protect them because Charlie the pooch doesn't wipe his paws when he enters the van.

Pooch Chariot
We decided to get our dog Charlie a bicycle trailer, which we've named his pooch chariot. We got a child bike trailer on eBay and removed the seat.