Hangover Recovery, Chamonix
Zagan the motorhome had big plans for today, he was planning to get back on the road and finally move from our 24 hour limited parking spot in Chamonix (N45.92827, E6.87674). The excitement of the Kandahar over, we agreed to meet our friends Mandy and Todd in town for a quick beer at 6pm. Todd is a pilot and had spent the last day flying people back from Miami to London, then catching a flight back to Geneva and a shuttle bus back to Chamonix. He’d abandoned his suitcase and uniform by the front door and come to meet us, probably hoping for an early night.
It was great to catch up with them again and as the beer and stories flowed, we were all having too much fun to end it early, so Mandy kindly invited us to join them for dinner. Back at the house the wine flowed, including the bottle we got from Luxembourg (which was a marked improvement on the Bulgarian wine we inflicted on them last time we were here!) and the hours flew by. By the time the whisky came out we knew we were in trouble, but it was too late, the damage had been done!
During the evening Charlie scored the meat off a chicken leg and tried to chase their cat around the house before retreating into the kitchen to sleep as it got way past his bedtime. Topics ranged from hopes and plans to the EU referendum, but finally as midnight came and went, we decided it was probably time to end our quick beer and let Todd get some sleep. I tried to sober up (as much as I could) to steer a staggering Jay and reluctant-to-leave Charlie around the streets of Chamonix back to Zagan – I have no idea how we made it, but we did. Needless to say the traffic noise didn’t bother us one bit last night.
Jay couldn’t make it into the bed so opted to sleep on the bench for the night and has remained there all day, unable to sit upright or get dressed, so steering Zagan around the roads of France was out of the question. I finally surfaced around 10am as Charlie’s late night chicken snack had worn off and he was hungry for breakfast.
The sun has shone all day so our leisure batteries have been topped up, while we’ve stared out of the window at the mountains and the healthy people nordic skiing and walking in the park next to us. By 3pm I had enough energy for a walk myself. As I wandered into town the free electric bus called the ‘Mullet’ pulled up, so I hopped on and had a free ride around the town before getting off in the centre. The streets were busy, the cafes were heaving and the world was enjoying this beautiful day. Sadly we have wasted it somewhat, but it was worth it for the great night we had.


I could seriously live here surrounded by the most amazing views

Sunshine in Chamonix
Tomorrow we head for Italy via the Mont Blanc tunnel (at least I think that is what was agreed late last night!)
Ju x
Before you go you must try a ‘Religeous’ – yum, yum.
Sounds good Ian, but what is it fella? Sorry, we’re clueless! Jay
Lovely post Ju xxx
You might be in for a surprise as late night decisions can be a bit …. by some beer, and wine and whisky etc. glad you made it safely back home! But isn’t it wonderful, meeting up with friends, having philosophical conversatinons over a nice meal and some drinks? …
Certainly is Chris, and one of the things we miss about being back home. Cheers, Jay
Many years ago I had to drive through the tunnel to pick up my daughter in a medical emergency from Aosta. Pre mobile phones the last contact I had with her she said she was at the side of a big chimney. If it’s clear when you drive in you will see my problem 😀
Right you are Phil, we’ll keep an eye out. Should we be expecting a hundred chimneys? :) Jay
Love the blog, Fantastic pics from you, Chamonix seems like a great place to be at this time. Just back from a weekend at the Quiet Site on Ulswater, some snow up on Helvellyn and surrounding fells, but rained and was blowing an hoolley all weekend. Watched the end of Ski Sunday with Ed and Graham they showed a montage of clips and even had a King Charles spaniel on there, thought Charlie had found his moment of fame!! Next stop for us Croft park in Hawkshead, plenty of watering holes to be explored in the village. Happy days.
Pubs, ooooh, we miss pubs! Enjoy the wandering, hope you get some decent weather. Snow on the way here, time to move on! Cheers, Jay
Choux bun, lots of cream, coffeee flavour icing – probably spelt ‘religeuse’
Right-o, thanks Ian, will keep an eye out. Heading for the tunnel shortly though so may not get a chance. Heavy snow forecast for later on so we need to go find somewhere in Italy safe to last it out! Cheers, Jay