Greek wildlife on a walk to Areopolis
Dave the motorhome is enjoying another day by at the beach, having decided to stay put next to the Diros Caves and have a rest today. Last night as the sun was getting low in the sky we set off for a walk up one of the hills surrounding the bay. A few metres along the rocky, thistle covered path we realised it wasn’t one to be approached at dusk in sandals, so headed back to Dave with a plan to tackle the path in the morning.
Over a huge bottle of local red which is surprisingly smooth we checked the weather report which basically said it’s going to be hot – until at least the 10th of May!
Here’s the rest of our day in pictures.

Wandering along the footpath we came across all sorts of plants and wildlife, some of which looked very alien!

We could hear creatures rustling the plants by the path, they were mainly tiny crickets, although once it was a tiny mouse and I screamed the place down – much to Jay’s amusement!

These fellas are everywhere and they come in a rainbow of colours. Still I prefer them to the locusts which fly around like the golden snitch from Harry Potter

The area around here is rocky and plants are mainly scrubby things, but the odd thistle puts on a great display – only to be landed on by a huge bee thing!

Not a great pic of this little chap as he buzzes around so fast. I’d describe it as a Humming Bird Bee because it flies like a Humming Bird and has a long point it sticks into the flowers to collect the pollen

I found out why the big lizards are so big, they’re much quicker than the smaller ones. We saw some dash off today that would not look out of place in a pet shop – they were huge!

There are mirrors on pretty much every tight corner, a perfect excuse to pretend we’re at the funfair

A roadside memorial to a six year old boy. There are roadside memorials all across Greece, usually they’re small ones for people who died in an accident or a large one from someone who was thankful they survived.
Listen in to the conversations in the cafe in Areopolis where we sat and had a nice cool drink in the shade.

After a cool drink in the main square we stopped off at this tiny bakery and bought a feta pie and a meat (cheese and ham!) pie for lunch.

A famous general was born here so there is a war museum in town, which explains the huge military gun in the square

Inside its walls were covered with frescos. We bumped into an English couple on holiday here and had a right good natter with them about how wondeful Greece is, we love it.

On our way back to Dave we passed a group of men making a wall – one was cutting the stones, one wheeling the cement around and one lugging the stones into place – not sure who’s bright idea it was to build it around a tree though!

Donnnnnnnkeeeey – Just after I took this shot a car slammed its brakes on next to us, the woman driver jumped out and ran around to where Jay was holding Charlie, she used to have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel which died after being bitten by a snake. As she fussed Charlie we knew she was seeing her dog in Jay’s arms. Charlie as ever was more than happy for a cuddle.

Back at Dave we found him surrounded by goats out on their daily stroll. We sat and watched them while tucking into our pies for lunch, then it was time for a well deserved nap – we’re really getting into the swing of Greek life!
Listen to the goats bells, we could be in an Alpine pasture
It’s six pm and still hot. Jay and Charlie are just back from playing on the beach and Jay is getting the nasty ticks off Charlie – a downside to a walk in the country around here, he’s up to six at the moment, time for more tick repellent. I’m heading for a shower to cool off before we crack open another bottle of local stuff – hope it’s as good as the last one.
Ju x
The bird was a Hoopoe, they make that sound. The can be seen in the UK. oh I love all your bugs mostly beetles.
Helen x
Hi Jay and Jules,
I think your bird is a Hoopoe. I have seen similar in the Dordogne and in Spain.
Enjoy the sun and the vino!
Best wishes,
Hoopoe bird !
Definitely a hoopoe we get them every year in our garden here in Portugal. One of my favorite birds. Protected in Israel by the way. X
Fantastic pictures both, looks like a great place to be at the moment as I look out at the rain again. We have booked ferry from Dover may 8th for our first trip to France for 6weeks in our motorhome.
Thanks David, France is a top spot for motorhomes, the easiest place to roam in Europe IMHO, they will love you over there! Have a great time, Jay