Look inside: Our Hymer B544 2001 Motorhome: Zagan
This post tells you about and lets you look around our new adventure wagon/land yacht/home on wheels: Zagan our 2001 Hymer B544 motorhome.

Introducing….Zagan the van! Buying a motorhome on eBay.
We have just bought our second Hymer B544 who will be named Zagan. This post is about our experience of buying a motorhome on eBay.

Hymer B544 Motorhome For Sale, Seeks New Loving Home
The time's come for the Motorhome Formerly Known as Dave to be…

Our home – Dave the Hymer
A little bit of information about our home for the year:

Harvey Sold on eBay
Our campervan Harvey wasn't suitable for a long-term trip for us. As part of our preparations for a year-long trip, we sell our campervan on eBay.