About Turn to Badajoz… When Plans Change.
Zagan the motorhome is breathing a sigh of relief. After a three…

A Coffee with the Doctor, Doña Mencía, Córdoba
Ju's injured knee has seen us visit the Centre de salud a few times this week. This visit we met Doctor Paco and he kindly took time out of his day for a coffee with us.

Exploring the Via Verde in Andalusia
We've stopped due to injury at the free aire in Dona Mencia, about an hour south of Cordoba. With the Via Verde by our door, it's a great place to be stuck.

Almost Half of Guadix Live Underground…
Almost half the population of Guadix in Spain lives underground, in one of over 2000 cave houses cut into the hillside with the Sierra Nevada as a backdrop.

Parque Natural Sierra Maria – Los Velez, Spain
We've had a few days at a campsite exploring the Parque Natural Sierra Maria - Los Velez. As well as a trip down memory lane to visit Velez Rubio.

From Apocalypse Now to Camperstop Totana
We're taking an interior route across Murcia in Spain, discovering interesting motorhome and camper stops as we go.

Motorhome Repairs While Abroad – Bellus, Spain
One of our wheel bearings gone in a country where we can't speak the language. Motorhome repairs on the road are sometimes tricky, but nearly always doable.

Valencia and the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias
We're visiting Valencia, Spain in our motorhome and camping here while we explore the city.