1520Dh, and worth every penny, erm, cent
We're here: N31.49183 W9.76303. It's a campsite on the Atlantic…

Marrakech: beggers, thieves and persistent touts
We're on the same campsite as last night: http://www.campingcarmaroc.com/.…

Oasis of Paradise near Marrakech
We're here: N31.61473 W7.88949
Weather - sunny with a few clouds

Maximus Decimus Meridius, I am not…
We're here: N31.04221 W7.12982. It's the car park outside the…

Zagora, Milton Keynes of Morocco
We're still at Camping 'Take Your Time' about 400m from the main…

A true taste of Morocco in Zagora
We're here: N30.33777 W5.83219
Weather - cooler with some clouds…