Back into the EU in Lombardy
We're here: N45.73622 E9.71995. It's a small car park in the…

Culture Sizzle in Switzerland
We're here: N45.88839 E8.94927. It's Camping Parco del Sole,…

Italian Lake No 2 Maggiore see us in Cannobio
We're here: N46.06315 E8.69457
Weather: bit of rain and wind,…

There’s a snake in my lake, what a beautiful life
We're at the same spot as yesterday, an incredibly free sosta…

Living the high life in Lago d’Orta
We're here: N45.79685 E8.41227
Weather: Roasty McToasty

Roasting and Rice in Vercelli
We're here: N45.31992 E8.41855. It's a parking area around the…

Cinzano and Asti – are we in our drinks cabinet or Italy?
We're here: N44.89841 E8.20958
Weather: I like it hot... but…

Chilling Out in Cherasco
We're here: N44.64891 E7.85444. It's a free aire about 100 meters…