Financial freedom is amazing. It’s the freedom that comes with knowing all of your outgoings and bills are covered without you having to go to work.

Lots of folks reach financial independence when they retire, we reached it in 2015 when we were 43 years old.

Here we round up how we did it, and what we have learned from retiring early.

Three weeks to Financial Freedom – The Interview

Look out Richard and Judy! We've interviewed each other, asking…
Playing on the local park

Tipping Point – Financially Free at 43

This weekend the see-saw tipped and we gently slid off the end…
Traffic lights Demark

Close to the Summit. 25 day countdown

25 working days left to go folks. Our tenant moves in on Friday,…

Zagan Forays and Crackpot Plan Progress

Life's settled into a gentle, if temporary rhythm. Monday to…

Freedom addiction, breaking free from a career

Hi, my name's Jason, I'm 43 and I'm a freedomaholic. I became…

49 Working Days to Go, Goodbye 1 Million Pounds

I'll miss work. My contracts over the past couple of years have…

The Chris Williams Catalyst for an Extra-Ordinary Life

One of the many wonderful and unexpected side effects of blasting…
The Cooler coming together

A New Experiment in Tiny Living

We're embarking on a new adventure, downsizing again, this time into a 3.5m by 6m 'studio' annnex. It's basically an experiment in tiny house living.
money muppet logo

The Money Muppet

When we returned to the UK in 2014, after two years of touring…