The New Designed-for-Roaming SIM Card from Popit
The new Popit Mobile Sole Roam SIM is designed specifically for roaming Europe long term. It's not cheap, but it is honest and simple.

Best Roaming Data SIM for Europe, 2023
The best pre-pay (prepaid, no contract) roaming data SIM for accessing the internet on holiday in 2023. Has no restrictions on the amount of UK data allowance you can use.

Not Enough Roaming Data? Buying a SIM Card Abroad in 2022
Useful info for getting more internet data abroad without breaking the bank. Hints & tips for buying local prepaid data SIMs in the EU.

Best Roaming EU Internet SIM Cards 2022
Best value roaming motorhome EU Europe pay-as-you-go prepaid PAYG internet SIM cards for 2022.

Starlink RV in 2023, All-You-Can-Eat Motorhome WiFi, At a Cost
Motorhome satellite internet just got cheaper with Starlink's RV system. Here's what it costs, how it works and how it compares to 4G.

Free Beginner’s Guide To Motorhomes and Camper Vans
If you’re thinking of hiring or buying a motorhome, our Beginner's Guide to Motorhomes and campervans will quickly get you up to speed on several key topics.

The Best UK Internet Data SIMs For Roaming in Europe 2022
The best value roaming abroad internet data SIM cards for 2021 from Superdrug Mobile, Vodafone, Three, VOXI and Smarty.

Boosting Our 4G Internet Speed at Home Using an Outdoor Antenna
Using an outdoors Poynting omni-directional 4G antenna/aerial to boost the internet data signal at a house or static caravan.

Brexit Considerations for a European Motorhome Tour
The Brexit transition period ends in a few days on 31 Dec 2020. Here's the latest about the impact on motorhome travel for UK citizens.