Boxing Day Leftovers
We’re **still** on the same campsite. That’s a record 4 days in one place.
- We’re in danger of becoming this guy. Time to move on!
- The dunes between our campsite and the Atlantic. Good hunting ground for chicken feet.
- Chicken? What chicken? I ain’t seen no chicken.
- Our skype view of my wonderful family yesterday
- Our skype view of Julie’s wonderful family yesterday
Weather: shorts and fleece. Another day of sun and no clouds. Starting to get blasé about the wonderful weather, although it’s only likely to stay like this or get better as we move down to the Med. Bring it on!
The gang of six is down to four. Tina and Chris have headed off on a mammoth drive to Malaga to pick up Chris’ son Harry. It was a truly great and extraordinary xmas, spent skyping family (lovely to see everyone), talking, drinking, BBQing, playing on the beach and burning copius amounts of pine cones. Hundreds of ’em. Oh, and some bad Ukelele playing!
Instead of the usual Boxing Day leftovers, Charlie decided to go native and sourced himself a chicken foot to munch on, much to my amusement (and that of the locals) and to Ju’s disgust. The rest of us had a BBQ. As I wrote that I realised it no longer seems weird that we’re having BBQs at the end of December. Maybe we’re going native too.
Apart from eating, it’s been a day of doing a few jobs. Ju’s been camped out in the site laundry room, while I spent hours trying to work out what’s wrong with the cab heater. No joy. I took out the fan and connected it straight to the battery; runs fine. Tried removing all the relays one by one but none of them seemed to be being used. Eventually I gave up. We’ve only needed it once on the past couple of months anyway, so we’ll find a garage to get it sorted.
So, with Xmas over it’s time to move on and find somewhere for New Year’s Eve. Lisbon’s just around the corner from here, but we’re thinking of something more intimate, a smaller town on the coast. We’re even thinking of skipping Lisbon completely, as big cities, motorhomes and dogs don’t seem to mix very well. It’s also quite a liberating feeling that we can really do *what the hell we please*, ignoring guidebooks and lists of ‘must see’ places, buildings and things.
To everyone back home: if you’re working between now and new year, I hope you don’t get too bored. If you’re not, have a great time, and have a lunchtime real ale for me, I’m missing the stuff.
Today’s video clip (probably the last for a while as today’s our last WiFi day for a while): Charlie’s so tired. He’s spent the past 3 days on extreme food snaffling duty, running into everyone’s motorhome trying to grab as much food as possible.
Cheers, Jason
Hi Guys
Like you we had a great Xmas although no swimming.
However the weather is like spring at the moment.
Going for a long walk in Derbyshire tomorrow and hopefully will find a real ale.
Happy New Year to you 3
Dave and Kim.
Good to hear from you guys! Bon Chance with the beer hunting. I’m recovering from a small bout of Delhi belly, so even real ale’s not tempting me at the moment. Glad the weather’s good there; makes a world of difference to one’s spirit hey? We think Evora should be an interesting and safe spot for us all, and have just got word we can use a friend’s dad’s villa in the Algarve for a week in January. The excitement in here over access to our own washing machine is palpable! Cheers and good new year. Jay