Another perfect beach, Toroni, Greece
Dave the motorhome is on yet another perfect beach, feeling the sand between his tread on a small jutting-out peninsular just north of Toroni (N39.99143 E23.89233). Looking at our maps this could be one of our last beaches for a while, as we’ve chosen to avoid the Black Sea resorts of Bulgaria and Romania – but please don’t tell Charlie; he’ll be distraught!
Last night the weather cleared up and the sun came out just in time for our evening grill with Connie and Marc. After putting their two little girls to bed Peter and Susanne from Holland joined us and we all sat around for hours eating some lovely grub cooked up by Marc and drinking – a lot! Peter and Susanne (whose blog is unsurprisingly in Dutch – are on a four month tour of Europe in their camper, the joys of working in Holland is that you can save up holiday and take long breaks. We all chatted about pretty much everything; jobs, former lives, places we’ve been, places we’re going, conspiracy theories and travelling with children and dogs! Huddling under the awning when the rain threatened to return we had a great night. I retired some time after Midnight, I don’t know what time Jay got in, but needless to say both had thick heads this morning.
Having decided yesterday that we needed to move on, or we would end up trying to beat Connie and Marc’s record of 45 days on that same beach last year, we had a slow morning. After breakfast and a short Charlie walk (he’s been out partying last night too and had scoffed too many crisps) I set about cutting Jay’s hair. After sitting in a place like this for a hair cut, it’ll be hard to go into a barbers shop again!
After I’d finished Jay headed outside with the clippers and shaved off his beard! I have to confess that it looks a bit odd now, as I’d got so used to him with a beard – but I’m not complaining! After some BBQ leftovers and half a watermelon (so the rest would fit in the fridge – just) we said our goodbyes. Peter and Susanne are heading in the same direction as us, so hopefully we might get to meet again soon. Connie and Marc told us that we know where they’ll be if we need them and I can’t blame them, it’s a perfect place.
Back on the road we passed the posh resort area, Greece’s largest planned holiday complex of Porto Carras. It was established by the Carras wine and shipping dynasty, so obviously features a vineyard along with the five star hotels and 45,000 olive trees. Not surprisingly we weren’t lured in by the signs for the casino or golf course and trundled on for a little over half an hour until we reached the resort of Toroni. Two wide crescents of sand meet at a small peninsular and parked up were two other motorhomes – so we joined them.

Daredevil Charlie decides to surf on Dave’s table as we drive today – no amount of coaxing or shouting would get him down.
Dave is on the edge of the sand with a gently sloping bay to his left. On his right a small patch of hard sand, another beach and a slightly deeper slope into the water – then of course there are the rocks in front of us. perfect for snorkeling, lazing in a camping chair and reading or chasing stones – whatever you prefer. Between us we did all three – I think you can guess who did what!
A large family next to us on the sand are from the Ukraine (their registration gives it away), their laughter and shouts makes us think we might be in Russia and reminds us that soon we’ll be struggling with another new language, and alphabet! The family have spent most of their day at the small beach bar, which is more like a burger van with palm tree umbrellas, we’ve still got groaning cupboards, so have stuck to eating in Dave. Jay cooked us up a lovely Gyros with cous-cous combination for tea (which was sort of a late lunch too) after which we were both too stuffed to move. The other campers here are from France and Czech Republic, we haven’t seen any Brits for ages. Where are you all?
Reading our rough guide it seems that the small resort is generally populated with German and Czech tourists, and has German beer on draft in some places – shame neither of us can face it right now! The sun is setting on another great day in Greece, it’s heat is fading and intense light softening. The turquoise water of the sea is turning into mercury and I’m not sure that I’m looking forward to Bulgaria and Romania. New country nerves are kicking in again, especially looking at the Cryllic alphabet, but mainly because it feels like when we leave here we’ll be ending our little (ahem – two and a half month long) holiday. Greece has been wonderful, way better than I could have imagined. It’s the safest I’ve felt free camping anywhere – even when we were alone. I think that is because everyone is so lovely and welcoming. But we’re not done here just yet. We need to do one more shop at Lidl for Greek meatballs (just in case they don’t have them in Bulgaria) which are lovely and to stock up at the bakers on baklava and cheese pies. My diet will have to start when we get home!
Ju x
Hi Jason and Julie. We started following you a couple months ago on the Internet and love what you are doing. We are living vicariously through your blog. Reading your daily entries has whetted our appetite for an adventure such as yours.
Best of luck in all of your travels.
Suzanne and Ron Ekas
Hi guys! Good to hear from you, thanks for writing. Don’t live vicariously though, anything we write can’t come close to what it feels like to be wandering for yourself…
On the other hand, we know we’re massively lucky, a feeling which increases with the people and places we see, so if vicarious is your only option, you’re more than welcome along for the ride with us. :-)
Hopefully one day soon you’ll be on the road, while we’re stuck in the office, and we can read about your adventures?
Cheers! Jay
In this area you should try chartering a yacht for a day Halkidiki boat trip. Try at Neos Marmaras, Chalkidiki for sailing